Joseph Zeigler
Rank: Private, Co. A, 27th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
Descendant: Linda S
Joseph Zeigler was mustered into Pennsylvania state service at Pottsville, PA, June 19, 1863 as Private in Company A, 27th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Militia under Captain D. A. Smith and Colonel Jacob Frick. On duty in the Department of the Susquehanna. At Wrightsville engaged the enemy June 28, 1863, burned bridge at Columbia June 28, 1863. Honorable Discharge August 1, 1863.
At Harrisburg , PA enlisted on February 19, 1864, as a Private for three years in Company D, 48th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry under Captain Jacob Werner and Colonels J. F. Brannon and Pleasants. Regiment assigned to the 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 9th Infantry, Army of the Potomac.
Participated in the following battles:
The Wilderness May 5, 1864
Spotsylvania May 8, 1864
Ny River May 12, 1864
Bloody Angle May 12, 1864
Stanards Mill May 21, 1864
North Anna River May 23 and 24, 1864
Pamunkey River May 26 through 28, 1864
Totopotomoy River May 28 through 31, 1864
Cold Harbor June 1, 1864
Bethesda Church June 13, 1864
Siege of Petersburg June 15, 1864 Weldon Railroad and Jerusalem Plank Road June 22 and 23, 1864
Mine Explosion at Petersburg July 30, 1864
Weldon Railroad August 18 through 21, 1864
Poplar Spring Church and Prebles Farm August 2 through September 29, 1864
Boyton Plank Road and Hatchers Run October 27 and 28, 1864
Fort Steadman March 25, 1865
Fall of Petersburg April 2, 1865
Appomattox, Lee’s Surrender April 9, 1865